The Milburn Player of the 05/06 Season Voting Form

Looking at the Player Stats for this Season only 10 players have played half the games and therefore the Player of the Season choice will be contested and decided by those 10 players.
OK. If those NOT on the list below want to vote anyway they can but it will not count in the overall decision.

Martin Ovens, Sam Blowers, Ben Burton, Neil Tottem, Clive Hedgecox, Michael Binks, Kevin Bray, Tony Summers, Geoff Barnes and James Nash are therefore the only eligible players allowed to vote. If your name is underlined it means i've received your votes (thanks).
Can you guys enter a '1' against your choice of Player of the Season in the choice box below. Also enter a '2' against your second choice and '3' against your third choice. You CANNOT vote for yourself. Others to have voted ... Jon, George

Name & D.O.B.: (i.e. Jimmy 30-08-67)

Your E-mail: (A copy of your choices will be sent to this address)

Subject: (no need to alter)

POTS Votes: (select a 1,2,3 where 1 is your preferred choice)

Milburn FC